Tempers boiled over in Emfuleni this week, and the EFF didn’t go quietly when they were ejected from a municipal council meeting. It’s happened again: The prolific rabble-rousers have got themselves kicked out of ANOTHER council meeting this week, after EFF representatives were accused of disrupting proceedings in Emfuleni. However, that’s only half the story.


Their ejection was followed by scenes of outright, unabated chaos. Security guards faced an almighty challenge to escort the trouble-makers outside of the venue – and all hell broke loose shortly afterwards.

On top of the scuffles, all sorts of items were thrown towards the guards and the main doors of the Emfuleni Council. Tables, chairs, and pretty much anything that wasn’t bolted to the floor took flight, as the irate politicians caused a disgraceful scene. It’s understood some DA members were also caught-up in the conflict.


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