Apostle Miz Mzwakhe Tancredi, the founder of New Life Church was in Mpumalanga during the Easter weekend to interact

with churches in order to address the challenges that churches have experienced during the lockdown. New Life is a prophetic and healing ministry based in Vanderbijlpark, with satellite branches in Tshwane, Botswana, Canada, and U.S.A to mention a few.

As part of its initiative, the church was in Mpumalanga, in particular, in Mkhuhlu to deal with and provide solutions to the challenges
that the churches have been facing. The Apostle and the church noted that the churches in Mkhuhlu highlighted among other things, the financial challenges that the Corona virus caused. Although New Life Church has long-term plans, Apostle Miz felt that there is something that the church can do to provide immediate relief. Thus, this led to a conclusion being reached by the Apostle and the church regarding which churches needed to be assisted urgently.

One such church which received the financial assistance was ‘Moving With Glory Ministries’ which is led by Prophet Mandela. The
church received a cash injection aimed at assisting with its needs. This money was given to also assist the church in its capacity for
audio and virtual services to its congregation. Prophet Mandela and many other pastors showed great gratitude and appreciation
for this intervention by New Life under the leadership of Apostle Miz Mzwakhe Tancredi, who has called on other churches to join the queue to benefit from this initiative by New Life and Apostle Miz.

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