follow site The name of the group of the ex-offenders is ‘Beyond the Bars.’ They have put it upon themselves to make a positive change in their communities. India Online Around 73 ex-convicts including men and women came up with ideas about correcting the wrongs they had done in their different communities. here Spokesperson Papi Botha said: “Our decision was clear and that was to pay back the community we had wronged and failed in the past. We identified filth, dumping sites that are illegal, sewer pipes, and filthy walkways in our communities and mobilised young people to help us with our cleaning campaign named “Cleaning our spaces, reclaiming the Vaal.’”
enter Members come from different areas in the Vaal like Bophelong, Sharpeville, Palm Springs, Boipatong and Sebokeng. Botha said beyond the cleaning up campaign, they have a skills transfer programme where people within the organisation will make their own income. But they appeal to the community to assist them with water and food if they can, whenever they are at work.
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