By Tramadol Online Uk The system (IVRS) consists of 14 dams which provide water to some parts of the Gauteng Province, including industries and households such as Sasol and Eskom.

Online Tramadol Cod Currently, the average level of the system is at 78.1%, from 76.6% last week and it was 64.5% at the same time in the preceding year,” the Department of Water and Sanitation said on Wednesday. Regardless of the increase in the levels of the system, the Department of Water and Sanitation alerts all the consumers of water to use water sparingly, cutting usages that are not necessary.

follow The Vaal Dam, which is key to supplying water to industries and households, has recorded an increase this week from 74.5% last week to 75.0% this week. follow link Last year around this time, the system stood at somewhat acceptable levels around 56.2%.

source site The Department continues to emphasise demand management as one of the ways of dealing with high demand. In this regard, the Department urges water consumers to continue to use wisely and sparingly.

go here One other essential tool to conserve water is the recycling of the resource for use in homes. Water consumers are encouraged to collect water from basins, showers and washing machines and use it as grey water. Grey water is ideal to be used in toilets and to water the garden.